Register an amendment of the lease right over movables and immovable objects

The procedure for registration of the lease right in the Registry of Leasing is a way of changing a previously registered lease right over movables and immovable objects. Registering an amendment is made on the basis of a concluded Lease Contract (solemnized or notarized), together with the other accompanying documents.

The Lessor is responsible for submitting the application for registration, amendment or deletion of a lease in the Registry of Leasing. Additionally, the lessor and the lessee have the opportunity to authorize the notary  for the procedure to carry out the registration.

Note: If you are Notary or Lessor, please look at the following instructions in the service" Amendment to a Lease ( instructions for Notary and Lessor)". If you would like to obtain information from the Registry of Leasing, please go below to the “Related services ”section in the data of this service and choose the appropriate type of information.